2023 is bringing about new challenges and changes to the Real Estate business.
"You can survive — and thrive — in this challenging climate by setting yourself apart as an elite listing agent" Anne Sperling.

Skeptics will come away from this book agreeing with Sperling that the real estate listing process should remain “in the hands of caring professionals.” As an agent, you’ll be inspired to “show your work” and provide a level of customer care that will keep you in demand for years to come.
Anne Sperling, a former listing agent and a trailblazing entrepreneur in real estate technology, offers clear and actionable insights for agents looking to reclaim their role in a changing industry.
Sperling makes a compelling case for the value that a professional listing agent brings to each real estate transaction — and shows how to demonstrate this value to current and prospective clients. Her tips and tools will help you:
- Earn trust and win the listing
- Design a marketing launch plan that gets results for your sellers
- Leverage technology so your listings get maximum attention
- Embrace transparency and spotlight the ways agents serve their clients’ best interests
Above all, Sperling presents herself as an advocate for the entrepreneurial agent who strives to set his or her own earning potential and build a successful business based on innovation, service, and irresistible value.